Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Our 2005 Chesapeake Cruise was so much fun that we decided to repeat it in 2006. Once again we met up with our friends Charlie and Carol in Elton, Maryland and cruised together for a few days.

This time we were joined by Laurie & Ken, Carol’s daughter & son-in-law, along with their recently purchased boat. We traveled NW toward the Susquehanna River and spent a night at anchor.

Then Charlie, Carol and we continued to on to Havre de Grace, visiting the Decoy Museum, walking the boardwalk and having a great time together.
Supper on Two Seas
Carol & Ballew


Cloud Nine was sporting many new features on this trip. The days of the window AC unit are over! Craig bit the bullet and cut a hole in the roof for a Coleman Polar Cub 9000 BTU air conditioner. Now we are set for hot, humid days! And our new Rosborough davit makes it possible to use Tinker Belle, our 1987 Tinker Traveler inflatable, as ship’s dinghy. Tinker Belle has lots of history with us, cruising Vermont waters and accompanying us on camping trips across the States & Canada for many, many years. She is rugged and fully capable of providing safe passage and exciting dinghying - but was much too heavy for us to heave up on Cloud Nine’s roof by hand. Last year we had replaced the cockpit bimini with a solid roof. So Cloud Nine is pretty much perfect now.
Here's a video of the 1st time we used the davit.

Our cruise plan is different this year because we will be hauling the boat at intervals and advancing down the Chesapeake in giant steps.

After cruising with Two Seas for a few days we hauled out and drove down the DelMarVa peninsula to Cambridge, Maryland. The city has a very nice municipal ramp. We left the truck/trailer in the parking lot (tell the people in the office 1st), launched and headed across the Choptank to La Trappe Creek for the upcoming Rosborough Rendezvous. We were a day early, however, so got to pick our spot and get all settled in by sunset.
Sunset at La Trappe
Jim Schiltus arriving

Christina was the next to arrive. She says that Tom is coming later on Sunday’s Child.

Then Jim and Connie Schilthuis arrived in their new Rosborough - and the party started! 

Cloud Nine, Consuelo, Jim & Connie's boat

Judy, Norm, Betsy, Peggy Sue, Christina & Consuelo

The next morning Reed and Judy Whitten arrived in Filimingo, followed by Norm and Betsy Mason in Miss Peggy Sue. 
Connie & Jim

Reed and Judy

Sunday's Child arrives
Tom gets anchored

There is just no fun greater than a Rosborough Rendezvous! People that you may have emailed with for years, read about on the Yahoo chatsite…sometimes even talked to on the phone. Here they are - but you don’t recognize them because you have no idea what they look like. And what do you do? 
Climb all over boats. 
Discuss electronics, engines, curtains, refrigerators, cruises, pets, food. 
Cruise around in dinghys 
Take photos. 

Honda 2000i's everywhere!

Tinker Belle with Ballew & Craig


Connie, Consuelo, Tom/Christina, Betsy/Norm, Reed/Judy, Tammi/Ballew/Craig

Hear the talk for yourself!

Anchor 'wenching'
                                                                  It is over far too soon!
Off we go!
End of Week #1


  1. This is looking so fun arriving in the boat in the sea.

    Car Trailers For Sale

  2. Tons of fun! Can hardly wait for this season to get underway!
